Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blast from the Past

Goodbye Seattle
Nobody told me that a new season of Project Runway had begun! As I sit here in my Yreka motel room on a mango margarita high catching up on the missed episodes, I am reflecting on the last few days catching up with old friends in the Pacific Northwest, spewing my story in all directions. It was a pleasure and well worth the mileage to reconnect with folks who mean so much to me.  For those of you who expressed interest in meeting me in Europe at some point during my sojourn, please make it happen!  I'm pretty sure that familiar faces would be welcomed after months on my own in the darkness and cold.

It was strange retracing my steps in the neighborhoods of Seattle, almost 5 years later, noting that character is being buried in favor of gigantic red-brick facade monotony. And the Pearl! Holy matzoh balls how it's grown...almost extends to I-405 now. Anyhow, thanks to everyone for accommodating me and my crazy schedule AND for allowing the spotlight to shine on me. Your time will come too, and when it does, you can expect reciprocal quantities of love and support.
Magnolia Blossom - Washington Park Arboretum

When the radio stations don't come in anymore and I tire of the 10 albums that I can stream from my phone to the car sound system, I work on my Polish (thanks B and BIL!) If you happen to see me drive by and can look past the multiple layers of dried bug guts, you'll see me talking to myself whilst driving. No need to worry...I am not about to join the mentally unstable, soiled masses on Skid Row. It's tough, but I'm learning the basics - just enough so that the locals can make fun of me when I attempt to communicate with them.

Oh, did I mention that I hate driving in WA and OR? I'm going to put up signs along every mile of every freeway indicating that slow-ass drivers need to get the hell out of the left lane. More importantly, I'm going to insist that a minimum speed limit be posted next to the max. Am I the only one who is appalled by this? Resources need to be mobilized, special committees need to be formed, emergency meetings need to be called by the UN, G7, and the WTO. This travesty deserves at least as much attention as the current controversy surrounding Chic-fil-A. Do widzenia!

1 comment:

  1. Shadde, I agree with your assessment on Pacific Northwest drivers: Only in Seattle or Portland will you find cars sitting at an impasse at a four-way stop, with all drivers courteously waving each other through. "You go, no you go, no you go..."
