Monday, March 6, 2023

Change is in the Air

It's been more than 10 years since my last post and a collection of travels abroad that left an indelible mark on my terrestrial journey. So many changes since then but, once again, I find myself in that all-too-familiar place of having an itch that needs to be scratched.

Over the past couple of years, CJ and I have been cooking up a new plan of attack to counter the status quo and the inevitable doldrums that kick-in every now and again. Our plans are finally close to hatching, and I can now say with near certainty that the 2nd half of 2023 will bring many welcome changes to our lives. More to come very soon!


  1. I am so excited for you guys. I hope we can come and visit. xo

    1. Thanks, we are excited too! And yes, all are welcome to visit! While we don't know yet where we will be staying, I can guarantee that we will have guest quarters :) Hmmm...wondering about your identity - I have a guess based on your handle but please reveal yourself...
